I remember when I was little girl and at school they would ask "what do you want to be when yoou grow up?" As a child the possibilities seem endless and you're given the space to dream and imagine. As you grow up systems are put in place and influences begin to show. Some of us have come really far from then.
Whilst many continue to dream we see dreams become plans and plans become realtity however for some the freedom to dream and imagine gets quenched, gets crippled, gets limited. The seeds of dreams which were once scattered everywhere as a youngster are no more.
Who puts a limitation on your dreams? Who harnesses your imagination and creativity?
Proverbs 16:9 begins with
'A man’s heart plans his way......'
Before a plan there is a vision, a destination, a dream. God wants us to dream and to have plans. Without goals you can't move forward.
I know many people who have had dreams and now I am seeing them come to life: busineses, projects, events, programmes and many more new things. However there are still many people who's desire for more, to grow, to start something new is either dormant or not even there. Through killed-off dreams mininstries are being aborted and that should not be for the children of God.
So maybe you've had a dream, an idea but its still just that...a dream. What's been stopping you? What's holding you back? What do you love to do? Through your occupation, businesses, ideas and many more, God wants to use you to minister people. You need to know ministrations are not just on church or on a Sunday. Jesus moved from place to place and touched the lives of the 'unwanted', the 'rejected', the 'unreachable', the people who needed Him to come to them because they could not come to Him. God wants to use you to reach people who for whatever reason can't come to your Sunday service.
So I ask again what's stopping you?
For some people it's laziness. You know in a time like now where technonlogy continues to evolve and people continue to create, there is an entrepreneurial buzz going about, but I've seen and I'm learning that you can't call yourself a boss if you're not willing to put in the work. The Bible says in Proverbs 21:25 'The desire of the lazy man kills him, for his hands refuse to labor.' Laziness not confronted results in dormant dreams. So what can we do to overcome it? Advice that I have been given includes writing down your dreams instead letting them remain in your head. In addition to this time limits and targets should be included so that way you have something your working towards; you're moving forward instead of being stagnant. An accontability partner is also something you can try. An accountability partner is someone 'you answer to' but not like a teacher but just someone you can keep updated and who will chase you up if need be. They help you stay on track encouraging you when needed and keeping it real when you're slacking.
Some of us are scared of failure, scared of rejection so we would rather stay where we are than take a 'risk.' We are scared of what lies ahead but we should trust in the God that backs us. That's why putting your trust in God daily along with exercising and putting your faith into practice daily (Hebrews 4:12-14) is imporatant because when you know God's faithfulness that will give you the courage to move forward. Speak His Word , rely on His Word and see what He will do.
There was a time when I used to be afraid of pigeons. I was so scared that at the bus stop I would shift from side to side to avoid the 'rats with wings' until I began to realise that it was quite embarassing (you can imagine the sight) and it was beginning to become impactful. I realised fear had become the dictator in this area of my life and although it may seem minor to some people, fear of an animal, object or another human being is not the will of God for you and me. After this realisation I slowly stopped running from them and even though we are not best friends it's not an issue like it used to be. Alot of times we must confront our fears to overcome them.When the children of Israel had captured the 5 kings who had gone against them Joshua told the soldiers come and step on their necks, come take terrority (Joshua 10:24). He then goes onto say in verse 25
"Do not be afraid, nor be dismayed; be strong and of good courage, for thus the Lord will do to all your enemies against whom you fight.
He could have said, "Look watch me step on their necks" but he actually told them to come and do it for themeselves, come and confront the opposition. That's what God is telling many of us. Before confronting Goliath in battle David is someone who also knew the God who was backing Him; he told the other soldiers of God's faithfulness (1 Samuel 7:34-37).
For some the dreaming and the planning is not the problem. For some the drive and the motvation is already there but some where along the line the direction was changed and although things are moving they're not moving in God's direction. You see we live in a world that will always provide an easier way out, a cop out, a comprimise. In the wilderness Jesus himself was given the option of 'an easier way out' (Matthew 4). As children of God we must ensure that our dreams and plans must line up with His Word (Hebrews 4:12). Our talents, gifts and services must glorify the name of God and not solely be for an increase of us: an increase in cash, an increase in status or an increase in possessions. It's not always easy when another way, a quicker way, a more attractive way is being given as an option but we are not operating under the system of this world (1 John 2:16, Proverbs 16:25). Don't sell yourself short but hold onto the Word of the Lord and the way He does things in your own life will be what people glorify Him for. One of my favourite verses, one that has kept me in times when comprimise came knocking on the door reads:
Do not let your heart envy sinners,
But be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day;
For surely there is a hereafter,And your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:17-18
But be zealous for the fear of the Lord all the day;
For surely there is a hereafter,And your hope will not be cut off. Proverbs 23:17-18
For this reason the people you hang with and surround yourself with is very important. If you don't watch who you walk with and your dreams can become contaminated. There are times when it may seem like people want to help but in reality they have their own motives and when these motives are contrary to what God wants we should check ourselves and the way we decide to go. When the children of Israel had been released from Babylon and had begun rebuliding the temple in Ezra chapter 4, their adversaries tried to join in telling them that they seeked the same God but their response was "You may do nothing with us to build a house for our God; but we alone will build to the Lord God of Israel, as King Cyrus the king of Persia has commanded us" (Ezra 4:3). Ask God that His Spirit would lead you and reveal to you those who want to contaminate because many times we can't see with our own eyes until it's too late - we need the Holy Spirit. Sometimes it's not even intentional but you must know Who you stand with. We should remember that when we build with God, the foundation shouldn't be forgeten. When we allow our visions to be contaminated it easy to forget about the foundation and go astray.
From another perspective maybe you're someone who has gone in God's ways and by His grace your visions are a reality now. You are prospering. If you know people who may have taken a different route, are you being of any help? Who are you praying for? Could you be metoring someone who wants to prosper in your field? People are even doing programmes and workshops now giving back because God has given to them. You can start with one person, someone you will devote your time and prayers to. If you're not doing anything what could you be doing? We are in world that goes by the motto 'get yours by any means necessary and step on whoever to get there', but we should be going by the motto of 'stand firm in His Word, watch what our God will do and bring others up with you' (Galatians 6:1-5).
You want to surround yourself with people who will encourage the vision, remind you of the vision according to the the Will of God. Someone close to me once told me that incubators are people that 'look after the dream', they make sure the dream doesn't die. You need people like that around you for the challenging times, for the tempting times, for times when it looks like you won't make it. When the temple was being rebuilt and King Artaxerxes had put an halt to the work it looked like rejection. It really looked like it wasn't going to happen but of course when there's prophesy from God it must be forfilled. Zechariah and Haggai, prophets in that time, encouraged them and reminded them of the prophecy and so the temple was completed - they were incubators (Ezra 5:2, 6:14)
This year has been a year where my dreams are becoming plans. I was in a position for a while where I was seeing alot of people doing what they love and creating something big with it (be around go-getters). I used to think to myself I want to do something but I don't know what. I know they may be some who are in that position and maybe you're not sure what route to take. Ask God and He is faithful to answer (Matthew 7:7, 1 John 5:14-15) I had been asking God and now I have so many ideas!
So if you used to dream or plan start again now because there's not a better time! I pray that when you start a new thing you will start it with God and when it starts moving you will be directed by God. May you not miss your season or waste your potential in Jesus Name.....the time is now!.....be encouraged!
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