We are in a time when we are so used to be being entertained. We need a specific person to sing, we need to hear a specific instrument, we need to hear a specific beat before we can praise God, exalt God, worship God, pour out to God. Jesus said, "But the hour cometh, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth: for the Father seeketh such to worship him" (John 4:23). Open your heart and allow yourself to be ministered today. I hope that through these songs you hear God concerning your situation, concerning your life. Be encouraged!
Changes By Pastor William Murphy III
Sometimes we want to change, we want to move, we want to get to the next level but we don't want to go through changes..
Find you on my knees by Kari Jobe
Lord I Run To You
The first time I heard this song was a youth service. I remember one day I woke up in the morning and I was feeling really heavy. The situation I was in was all I could see and I felt helpless and sorry for myself. Without knowing it just began to speak to God, to pray, and all that was coming out was my pity, my helplessness, my pain and my fears but then I began to see all the things God had done for me and was doing for me and my mourning turned into praises (Psalm 30:5). There's a lyric in this song that says "though my heart and flesh may fail, you're my ever present help, my tower of strength, my Portion evermore." Be uplifted today and run to God, in our weaknesses He is strong.
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