I remember when I heard the story of Tulisa, former X-factor judge and former member platinum selling group Ndubz, about a private video of her and her ex partner being released to the public. People were skeptical about whether it was her and who had released it but she finally came out on YouTube releasing a video confessing it was indeed her and it was meant to be a private moment and she was sorry for any offence caused. Now I don't want to focus on the act itself but this is something that will probably follow her for her sometime. Despite her video explanation I still believe people, tabloids and media will to bring it up in the future and it will be a shadow over her image, her career and talent.
Everyone has a past, everyone! Everyone has a life before Christ and after Christ. We'll still make mistakes even in Christ. Maybe you feel like you're trying to get people to see that you are different and are trying to seek the face of God and it's hard. You even think at times maybe they're right, maybe bad habits do die hard. You have to make a decision to 'not watch face' which means don't listen or worry about what people say about you
2 Corinthians 5:17 says:
'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old
things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
In Matthew 16:13-16 Jesus asked Peter who do men say I am. Peter replied saying "Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the
prophets" and then Jesus said "but who do YOU say I am?" Peter then said "You are Christ, Son of the Living God." You may be listening to other people's opinions but who does Jesus say you are? What does His Word say about you?
I encourage you to continue to press on and persevere, not to prove people wrong but to find out who you are and what God has in store for you. The Bible says you will know them by their fruits. An apple tree doesn't scream out look "I'm an apple tree!"All you have to do is look at what it's bearing. As you walk in Christ, fruits will come forth and you'll find that the ones who were laughing, teasing and doubting when the buds were appearing will be the same people who partake of the fruit.
Even then they'll be some people who will still talk but hey people spoke about Jesus. What about the woman at the well who had had 5 husbands and the one who she was with was not even her husband (John 4). After she had encountered Jesus, there were probably some people who did not believe that she had changed; people who still saw her as 'that woman.'
The glorious thing about your past is that it's just that, your past. Instead of looking at in shame, look at it as a point of contact for others going through the same things you have overcome, a glimmer of hope, an example that Christ can receive them too. There were those who believed in Jesus because of her testimony. Your testimony can be as powerful as the one of the woman at the well. (John 4:39)
So be encouraged and look onto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith!
Even then they'll be some people who will still talk but hey people spoke about Jesus. What about the woman at the well who had had 5 husbands and the one who she was with was not even her husband (John 4). After she had encountered Jesus, there were probably some people who did not believe that she had changed; people who still saw her as 'that woman.'
The glorious thing about your past is that it's just that, your past. Instead of looking at in shame, look at it as a point of contact for others going through the same things you have overcome, a glimmer of hope, an example that Christ can receive them too. There were those who believed in Jesus because of her testimony. Your testimony can be as powerful as the one of the woman at the well. (John 4:39)
So be encouraged and look onto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith!
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