Thursday, 31 May 2012

BIG Mouth!

We are in a time of freedom of speech, keeping it real, saying it like it is, saying it because you feel like it. Our mouths can be like machine guns sometimes, just spraying with no aim or they can be like springs bringing forth life wherever it falls.Whatever the case words are powerful and the saying of 'sticks and bones won't break my bones but words will never hurt me' is dead right about now. It is the song of a superstar, the speech of a legend, the writer of a play that proceeds the composer. They remain relevant even when the composer, author or singer has passed. Why? Words are deposited, the have an effect, they stick and can remain forever. Words can constructive or destructive (Proverbs 12:18). A small part of the body can have such a big effect:

'Indeed, we put bits in horses' mouths that they may obey us, we turn their whole body. Look also at ships: although they are so large and are driven by fierce winds, they are turned by a very small rudder wherever the pilot desires. Even so the tongue is a little member and boasts great things. See how great a forest a little fire kindles.' James 3:3-5

So words are powerful and we should be careful about what we say, however is it just what we say? There have been times when I've spoken to my mum and she hasn't even paid too much attention to what I've said but has said 'Is that how you are speaking to me?' In my secondary school days there's been times when I have wanted to go to certain parties and I've needed to ask my parents about it. Now if you have tact you don't ask when you've just received a not so good report from school, you ask them when they're in a good mood , eating their favourite meal or having a hot cup of tea. You wait for the best time. It's not just about what we say but it's also about how we say it and when we say it.

So what do we? It's easy to say words are powerful and the rest of it but does that mean we should be quiet. The Bible talks about truth (Proverbs 12:17) and we should keep it 'real' so is it open mouth or close mouth? One thing that I have learnt as I've grown in Christ is that before I open my mouth, before I put that bb status up, before it circulates of Facebook or Twitter i should consider the motive behind my words. What is the purpose of opening your mouth? Paul wrote to the Church of Ephesus saying 

'Let no corrupt word proceed out of your mouth, but what is good for necessary edification, that it may impart grace to the hearers' Ephesians 4:29

So will what you say edify someone, will it make them better? Many people think Christianity is about being nice but it's really about being truthful and being truthful in love. The Bible says that God corrects those He loves (Proverbs 3:11-12)  Being corrected can feel uncomfortable or it may seem like its not a 'nice thing' to do but we are chastised by God because He wants to better us, He wants us to move, He wants us to do things the right way, His way. There's people we know that may not be going in the right way, they may be lost, and a lot of times that's not the time to be 'nice' but like God does to us we  should show them love in truth. It may be uncomfortable to hear but that word could set them back on track. It is just important that the person you're speaking to knows that what you are saying is coming from a place of love.

In Matthew 8, a leper came to Jesus and told Him that if He is willing Jesus could clean Him. Jesus said He was willing and healed the man from leprosy. However Jesus told Him to go but tell no one what had happened. Why would Jesus not want people to see His power, His miracle? This was Jesus knew the importance of timing and His purpose. It was not the right time. When we want to say something we should question is it the right time. Should I say it in front of all these people or wait for a quiet moment to tell them? They look quite upset or angry should I wait until there have calmed down? Timing can be crucial especially if you want your word to be received well.

But then we come to venting. Oh if anyone has I have come to find out that there is a thin line between gossiping and venting it is me, however there is a difference. Gossiping hurts and can be very hard to stop once you're on a roll.  It never builds people up but exposes and exploits. Venting is a release and I do encourage it. People do some outrageous things and when you sit down and talk to them you realise that it could have been prevented if there was someone to talk to, someone to vent out to. It prevents storage of what can become grudges, hate and bitterness. When we vent we should think about who we vent to (Proverbs 1:5). If I have an argument with a friend and then go tell another friend who I know is not fond of her, infact any chance to disgrace her she will take, is that wise of me? It sounds simple but that's what we do alot, it's an emotional response. Vent to people who are neutral, who will not give a biased view but the right view, who's advice is not emotionally based. 

James says the tongue cannot be tamed by man (James 3:8). I have found that the Word of God is like a rein to the tongue and the Spirit of God is the hand that pulls the rein in. There was a time when I was walking with some people and they were talking about a specific person and the things there were saying were sparked by emotion but nevertheless true. I could relate to them and I felt like saying something, I was bursting, but then the Spirit of God just told me don't you think you should speak to that individual before adding smoke to the fire. It was that clear.

For good or for bad never underestimate the power of your word:

'Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit' Proverbs 18:21

 We should ask ourselves why we open my mouth? How should I say it? Is it the best time to say it? Above all we should ask God to direct us and for help so that we are springs of life to people and not death to them. 

Be encouraged!

Saturday, 5 May 2012

These Are My Confessions....

 You can't change 

I remember when I heard the story of Tulisa, former X-factor judge and  former member platinum selling group Ndubz, about a private video of her and her ex partner being released to the public. People were skeptical about whether it was her and who had released it  but she finally came out on YouTube releasing a video confessing it was indeed her and it was meant to be a private moment  and she was sorry for any offence caused. Now I don't want to focus on the act itself but this is something that will probably follow her for her sometime. Despite her video explanation I still believe people, tabloids and media will to bring it up in the future and it will be a shadow over her image, her career and talent.

Now they are many people who can relate to this story (hold on to your brakes). Many young people who come to Christ with brokeness and an eagerness to change,to seek purpose and embark on that journey. However other people, including Christians, still see their past and don't let them forget it. They still see her as a wild girl, they still see a badman.You hear things like 'Give it some time she'll come back' and "No, he can't change just like that." Many people confess and lay it down to Jesus but feel like all people see is their past.

Everyone has a past, everyone! Everyone has a life before Christ and after Christ. We'll still make mistakes even in Christ. Maybe you feel like you're trying to get people to see that you are different and are trying to seek the face of God and it's hard. You even think at times maybe they're right, maybe bad habits do die hard. You have to make a decision to 'not watch face' which means don't listen or worry about what people say about you
 2 Corinthians 5:17 says:

'Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.
In Matthew 16:13-16 Jesus asked Peter who do men say I am. Peter replied saying "Some say John the Baptist, some Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets" and then Jesus said "but who do YOU say I am?" Peter then said "You are Christ, Son of the Living God." You may be listening to other people's opinions but who does Jesus say you are? What does His Word say about you?
I encourage you to continue to press on and persevere, not to prove people wrong but to find out who you are and what God has in store for you. The Bible says you will know them by their fruits. An apple tree doesn't scream out look "I'm an apple tree!"All you have to do is look at what it's bearing. As you walk in Christ, fruits will come forth and you'll find that the ones who were laughing, teasing and doubting when the buds were appearing will be the same people who partake of the fruit.

 Even then they'll be some people who will still talk but hey people spoke about Jesus. What about the woman at the well who had had 5 husbands and the one who she was with was not even her husband (John 4). After she had encountered Jesus, there were probably some people who did not believe that she had changed; people who still saw her as 'that woman.'

The glorious thing about your past is that it's just that, your past. Instead of looking at in shame, look at it as a point of contact for others going through the same things you have overcome, a glimmer of hope, an example that Christ can receive them too. There were those who believed in Jesus because of her testimony. Your testimony can be as powerful as the one of the woman at the well. (John 4:39)

So be encouraged and look onto Jesus the author and finisher of your faith!

Friday, 4 May 2012

The Victim's Corner

The Victim's Corner.....a calm place that many people have been to at one stage of the their lives or another. Some stay there for a day while others take a vacation there and it seems like they never come back. It seems small, a corner, but alot happens there you know, big pity parties, banners of reminisce and party rings of regret are served for one . It's normally a place you go to alone because no one else seems to get it, no one really understands.

The Victim's corner is a mindset and one that encapsulates the lives of many. It seems like an escape but it's actually a prison. As Christians we hear we are more than conquerors, overcomers, victorious (John 16:33), but I can guarantee you that whilst there are many lifiting up holy hands saying "God is good" there are some who are struggling to walk in that, all awhile attending church with stage curtains called smiles. I know because I have taken a short trip there myself.

My Safe Place of Danger

When a victim's mindset becomes the norm it is one that becomes comfortable and is feels safe. In the Victim's Corner you don't have to take responsibility. You can feel like you have no control over what's happening and it's 'the hand you've been dealt in life.' Things just happen, hey deal with it. Have you ever felt like that, like life seems to be pulling you along? People have hurt you and you feel like life has dragged you on the pavement. Maybe your circumstances make you feel you haven't had the best start to life or maybe you just feel lost. The walls are put up and it feels as if you one understands what you're going through. You feel you have no control and it sounds weird but having been in that mindset myself, there's actually a relief or gratification that comes from that.

There are some circumstances that we find ourselves in, that are not necessarily 'our fault' but we shouldn't let this be a reason to let 'life drag us along.' We have been given the ability, the power and authority to make decisions about what to do in these situations. Joseph was a man who was in circumstances beyond his control: being sold by his brothers into slavery, taken away from his home and family, moved from place to place. Can you imagine how lonely and betrayed he must have felt? However his story did not end as a sad one and he is definitely not remembered as a victim but as a leader. God was with Him and He never left. He would have had his lonely moments and his sad moments but he did not reside in the Victim's Corner. There was something bigger planned for his life. Romans 12:2 says:

And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, that you may prove what is that good and acceptable and perfect will of God.

On a daily basis, in all situations, we should have our daily bread, which is the word of God because in times when you feel you want to stray into the Victim's Corner the word of God will be that stronghold that pulls you back into His presence. Psalm 18:2 says:

The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; 

my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, 

my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold

Who or where do you run to? 

The comfort and loneliness of the Victim's Corner has robbed many people of their inheritance, their joy and their intimacy with God - all things that rightly belong to a child of the Most High. The Victim's mindset is the enemy's playground: remaining in cycles of the past and 'what if's', chewing on the things that were said and standing on a lie that says you can't move forward. It's far from the presence of God. 

Far from the His presence and being alone is a vulnerable place for attack. You need people in your life who will remind you of the future glory to come. A good man once said to me that you need people around you who will form your world when it looks like it's falling down. Job, a blameless man, was discouraged by his wife and condemned by His friends when he was going through a great trial. Distress was added onto Him and this would've been an ideal time to go into the Victim's Corner. We should learn from this to be careful and sensitive when making a judgement about why someone is going through a situation. This contrasts with a grieving mother who had lost her husband and two sons, leaving two daughter-in-laws behind. One daughter in law left and the mother told the other one to go too, but the Bible says she clung to her (Ruth 1:14). She said to her mother-in-law 'Where you go I will go, and where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God my God.' She had headed to the the Victim's Corner but a daughter-in-law pulled her out and God did something bigger than what she could ever had expected.

When you feel yourself straying or when you feel down does that place or person you go to remind you of Psalm 18:2? Do you run to people more than God himself?

If you feel like you're in the Victim's Corner, you don't have to stay there. Begin to read the word and back out. Don't hide your weaknesses but reveal them to God asking the Holy Spirit to help you because He is our Counsellor. Surround yourself with people who will shape your world when it looks like it's crumbling. For those who are not in the Victim's Corner why don't you pull someone out. Who are you praying for? Who are you encouraging? God brings opportunities and people our way continuously, are you missing them?

Don't let your present situation determine who you are. A fish can be swimming in the ocean and then it can be put into a fishtank, no matter where it is it doesn't make it any less of a fish. As children of the  Most High we can't let our present situations dictate who we are. Move from a victim mindset to a victor mindset. Be encouraged!