Sunday, 3 June 2012

High Heels Higher Than Charity

SHOES, GLORIOUS SHOES (high heel shoes specifically)....Anyone who knows me very well would know that I am into my heels:  wedges and platforms, straps, open toed or closed...I love my heels. I remember when I was coming back from uni and went near the market area, not far from Angel Station. I went into a shop and in the corner of my eye I spotted this brown wedged pair of boots; an abstract pair of fabulousity.  So I asked the lady how much they were and she said £10! Only £10! I was so excited. I checked my purse but there was no cash in it and they didn't take card. Before she had finished I was out of there like road runner on a hunt for the nearest cash point. It wasn't very far. I then heard the Holy Spirit tell me plainly 'but you do not need them?' I stopped for a moment and then I heard the same thing again but continued to withdraw and walk towards the store..... very slowly. I thought £10, only £10. It's not that much..........

 In life we often have this battle with our fianaces NEEDS VS WANTS. I thought I was in full control of my spending. I would buy things when I thought it was appropriate and I never thought I went overboard, but then I went to a bible study that changed my whole perspective on my needs and wants. It wasn't complicated. The topic was about giving and charity and the question that was asked in simple terms was:

Does how much you spend (on yourself) outweigh how much you give?

 Now this is not a new concept and it is that fact that convinces me even more that it was the Holy Spirit convicting meFor those who have been to church giving is something that is almost always encouraged. In some places it is emphasised so much that unfortunately some people question where their the money is going but I won't dabble into that too much (today). However the Word of God says: 

So let each one give as he purposes in his heart , not grudgingly or of necessity; for God loves a cheerful giver ' 2 Corinthians 9:7

After that bible study I really questioned my perspective of appropriate spending. Now like I said, I never thought my spending was extravagant but then when I weighed up the money I spent on those shoes, that sale, that bargain and then compared it to how much I gave to the kingdom of scale was definitely unbalanced by far. 

Now when we think of giving, especially us young people, we may think of church offering or big charity organisation, but the spectrum of giving through the eyes of God is so much wider than that. We often wait and rely on present systems to lead us in giving and this is not bad thing, but why don't you ask God what you should contribute to. Sometimes we look far and wide to give and be a blessing without acknowledging what's infront of us first. Some of us struggle to give, period. 

Our services can also be part of our giving too. For example maybe your good with children and you know someone who needs a hand, babystting without charge to help a family or individual could be your service. If you look around, trust me, there is alot of things that can be done. Look at your interests, ask God about it and be a blessing to someone 1 John 3:17-18 says:

If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person?  Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.

Our giving is a reflection of our love and relationship with God. Where are you now?  Who's the head of your money? What do you invest in the most, your materials things or the eternal things?

When you sow into the things of the kingdom you always reap. I've seen it too many times in my life and the life of those around me. Is it because I'm special? Not at all but it's because we serve a God of principles who does not go back on His word:

He who has pity on the poor lends to the Lord,

And He will pay back what he has given. - Proverbs 19:17

Find something you can be consistent in and as you conitunualy sew you will continually reap receiving more than paper notes and coins. The blessings of God expand further than that.

After that bible study I agreed with God to give a specific amount towards a cause and I have seen the blessings in my life and the life of others. You can make a decision to contribute to a cause too. What are you going to give? Do I still love shoes? Yes! Have I bought a pair of shoes after that bible study? Yes! The difference is now my contribution, donation and service to the kingdom of God is higher in priority, higher than my high heels....Be encouraged!